import facebook

# Set your Facebook access token
access_token = 'your_access_token_here'

# Create a Facebook Graph API object
graph = facebook.GraphAPI(access_token)

# Define ad creative details
ad_creative = {
    'name': 'Professional Content Writing Services',
    'body': 'Elevate your brand with engaging and high-quality content!',
    'image_url': '', # Replace with your ad image URL
    'link': '', # Replace with your service URL
    'call_to_action': {'type': 'LEARN_MORE', 'value': {'link': ''}}

# Create an ad
ad_id = graph.put_object('act_', 'adcreatives', **ad_creative)['id']

# Create an ad set
ad_set_id = graph.put_object('act_', 'adsets', name='Content Writing Ad Set')['id']

# Create an ad campaign
campaign_id = graph.put_object('act_', 'campaigns', name='Content Writing Campaign')['id']

# Link the ad creative, ad set, and campaign
graph.put_object(ad_id, 'adsets', adset_id=ad_set_id)
graph.put_object(ad_set_id, 'campaigns', campaign_id=campaign_id)

print(f"Ad created successfully! Ad ID: {ad_id}")